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Original Title: Four Quartets
ISBN: 0571068944 (ISBN13: 9780571068944)
Edition Language: English
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Four Quartets Paperback | Pages: 48 pages
Rating: 4.37 | 13871 Users | 687 Reviews

Specify About Books Four Quartets

Title:Four Quartets
Author:T.S. Eliot
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 48 pages
Published:1959 by Faber Faber (first published 1943)
Categories:Poetry. Classics. Literature. Fiction. 20th Century

Interpretation In Pursuance Of Books Four Quartets

The Four Quartets is a series of four poems by T.S. Eliot, published individually from 1936 to 1942, and in book form in 1943; it was considered by Eliot himself to be his finest work. Each of the quartets has five "movements" and each is titled by a place name -- BURNT NORTON (1936), EAST COKER (1940), THE DRY SALVAGES (1941), and LITTLE GIDDING (1942). Eliot's insights into the cyclical nature of life are revealed through themes and images woven throughout the four poems. Spiritual, philosophical, and personal themes emerge through symbolic allusions and literary and religious references from both Eastern and Western thought. The work addresses the connections of the personal and historical present and past, spiritual renewal, and the very nature of experience; it is considered the poet's clearest exposition of his Christian beliefs. (The Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia of Literature)

Rating About Books Four Quartets
Ratings: 4.37 From 13871 Users | 687 Reviews

Criticism About Books Four Quartets
We can only live, only suspireConsumed by either fire or fire.

I remember being at my first anatomy dissection as a demonstrator took this slim volume out of his pocket and said to me, in a room full of cadavers, "In my end is my beginning. Isn't that wonderful? TS Eliot. Do you know it? You must read it." If I'd read the scene in a novel I would have thought it contrived and overly theatrical. But I swear it actually happened.

I remember being at my first anatomy dissection as a demonstrator took this slim volume out of his pocket and said to me, in a room full of cadavers, "In my end is my beginning. Isn't that wonderful? TS Eliot. Do you know it? You must read it." If I'd read the scene in a novel I would have thought it contrived and overly theatrical. But I swear it actually happened.

In my beginning is my end La parola che mi viene in mente per questa opera è prodigio : non immaginavo che temi così astratti, così ineffabili e metafisici potessero divenire materiale poetico e con quali splendidi risultati estetici, visionari e musicali! Non ho le competenze per una disanima critica di questo libro meraviglioso, vera pietra miliare della letteratura moderna: e impossibile mi è anche scegliere tra The Waste Land e questi Four Quartets.Posso solo dire che ho adorato la

Beautiful, mesmerising poetry. There is so much to contemplate in these four poems about time, faith and spiritual belief, whether the reader is a practising Christian, or a humanist, or a follower of a philosophy such as Buddhism. It is a meditation on the human condition. It end with this famous passage:We shall not cease from explorationAnd the end of all our exploringWill be to arrive where we startedAnd know the place for the first time.Through the unknown, remembered gateWhen the last of

T.S. Eliot's Four Quartets is a masterpiece. I don't know how I missed it before this year. How can you not love a poem that says things like:There is, it seems to us,At best, only a limited valueIn the knowledge derived from experience.The knowledge imposes a pattern, and falsifies,For the pattern is new in every momentAnd every moment is a new and shockingValuation of all we have been....Do not let me hearOf the wisdom of old men, but rather of their folly,Their fear of fear and frenzy, their

This is something that I've been reading and returning to for more than 40 years. Few works are so intimately connected with my own life changes. Truly, all poems are read afresh with each reading: as oneself changes, the poems change. In the case of Four Quartets, I used to go o it for melancholy comfort, a vague spiritual longing too balmed with its reverberations of paradox and eastern thoughts while rooted in the soil of an East Anglian mysticism. I also found its original influence (along


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