Declare Books Concering Fables
Original Title: | Fables Choisies mises en vers par M. De la Fontaine |
ISBN: | 2266127756 (ISBN13: 9782266127752) |
Edition Language: | French |
Jean de La Fontaine
Paperback | Pages: 482 pages Rating: 4.05 | 12640 Users | 145 Reviews
Ilustration Conducive To Books Fables
Une tortue, un corbeau, un lièvre, une fourmi, un lion, et même un pot au lait : autant de figures familières qui peuplent, parmi tant d'autres, notre imaginaire, resurgissent régulièrement, et que nous devons toutes au fabuleux talent de Monsieur de La Fontaine. Il est le prince des poètes, lui qui a su transformer une tradition un peu rigide, celle de la fable, en un art exceptionnel, qui charme l'oreille tout en réjouissant l'esprit, réveille les bois, anime les animaux et parvient à toucher tous les hommes.Moralité : on aurait tort de ne pas se replonger dans la lecture des Fables, qui ravissent les enfants et enchantent les adultes ! Leur pertinence impertinente est sans doute à l'origine de leur succès ininterrompu : qu'on les récite, comme à l'école, qu'on se les répète pour soi seulement ou qu'on se les "mette en bouche", comme le fit avec un bonheur évident le comédien Fabrice Luchini, on ne résiste pas au petit plaisir d'une fable.
Define Regarding Books Fables
Title | : | Fables |
Author | : | Jean de La Fontaine |
Book Format | : | Paperback |
Book Edition | : | Special Edition |
Pages | : | Pages: 482 pages |
Published | : | December 1st 2002 by Pocket (first published 1668) |
Categories | : | Classics. Cultural. France. Poetry. Fiction. European Literature. French Literature. Childrens. Short Stories |
Rating Regarding Books Fables
Ratings: 4.05 From 12640 Users | 145 ReviewsComment On Regarding Books Fables
The edition that I have is very beautiful. It's hardcover, top quality paper, fully illustrated with Grandville's art. The book has that old book look it's really pretty. On top of that, unlike some version of the fables that are in modern french, this version uses the original old french that the fables were written so it gives even more an old look and feel to the book. Of course the fables in themselves are a joy to read and filled with wisdom.Today I thought outloud about how nice it would be to have a book with all of La Fontaine's fables. As I was in a bookshop to buy a friend's birthday present, I remembered to have a look and found this nice edition at a cheap price (2.80 euros! You can't beat that!) so I decided to buy my own copy.I had to smile when I opened the book and discovered that the first fable was "La Cigale et la Fourmi", which I learnt in primary school when I was seven years old and still remember to the word today,
When you are French, this book is a must-read! Actually all French kids have to learn one fable at least, at school. And it's amazing, every French adults can tell a fable or quote a moral.
What a pleasure it is to read all these witty and enchanting fables with moral teachings. It is truly a classic and hidden gem in America although the fables are very popular in France.
La Fontaine's fables are all in verse and are massively popular in France. They have wonderful little morals. The interesting side-note is that many of these children's fables are hidden criticisms of the court of Louis XIV where La Fontaine was a lackey among the thousands of others at Versailles. That might give you more of a chuckle as you read them knowing that La Fontaine is hiding some very real irony inside of them for his peers.
Im not really suited to rate the work of Lafontaine so This will be a short review.From all the fables Ive come across those are definitely the best of the lot. Whats remarkable about Lafontaine is this incredible capacity to write fables that are meaningful, fun, easy to read and with important moral values(making stories that involve animals mostly) without dropping in quality. This is really something remarkable.Those fables are a way for the author to express himself at a time where opinion
This is often considered children's literature, so I also categorized it as so, but I believe that was not necessarily La Fontaine's primary audience. If you've never read any of these fables, you should. Many would strike you as familiar from your childhood, yet as an adult you will find ironies and morals in the full texts that will delight you all over again.
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