Books Online تصوف: منقذو الآلهة Free Download

Itemize Containing Books تصوف: منقذو الآلهة

Title:تصوف: منقذو الآلهة
Author:Nikos Kazantzakis
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:1st Edition
Pages:Pages: 108 pages
Published:1998 by دار المدى (first published 1927)
Categories:Philosophy. Nonfiction. Classics. Spirituality. Literature
Books Online تصوف: منقذو الآلهة  Free Download
تصوف: منقذو الآلهة Paperback | Pages: 108 pages
Rating: 4.03 | 3428 Users | 526 Reviews

Description To Books تصوف: منقذو الآلهة

"تصوف" هو المخطط الأولي لمسيرة الاكتشافات الموعودة، وهو البذرة التي نبتت في مؤلفاته الروائية والشعرية اللاحقة، لذلك يمكن اعتبار هذا الكتاب "دليلاً" يقود القارئ عبر عوالم كزانتزاكيس الروائية، وفي الوقت نفسه يمكن النظر إليه كمحطة أساسية لقياس تطوره اللاحق.

Define Books Conducive To تصوف: منقذو الآلهة

Original Title: Ασκητική: Salvatores Dei
ISBN: 284305074X (ISBN13: 9782843050749)
Edition Language: Arabic

Rating Containing Books تصوف: منقذو الآلهة
Ratings: 4.03 From 3428 Users | 526 Reviews

Evaluation Containing Books تصوف: منقذو الآلهة
4.5 stars

Hard to read/understand. I think there is wisdom here but its format is off putting for me. This is formatted as a series of truisms, but the language isn't straight forward --in my opinion-- and the truisms seem repetitive. A lack of clear organization makes it harder.The wisdom that was also in Zorba was much more enjoyable/encouraging to understand in Zorba.That being said, I think there is a great deal of juicy meat in here, I just wish the nut was easier to crack.

the author through this philosophic-poetic text puts on a facsimile of madness and creativity, insisting that beyond these images, however, much about ourselves, our relation with God, with others and with nature remains opaque and the final stage of tranquility will always be speculative. Were it possible, I would quote the whole book but being always intrigued by the meaning of prayer, i found this quote fascinating ان صلاتي ليست ندبه شحاذ ولا اعترافات عاشق ولا حسابات متواضعه لتاجر مقايضه صغير

Full disclosure: my only other exposure to Kazantzakis is "The Last Temptation of Christ", which is not a bad book (the Scorsese adaptation is amazing). And translations are tricky things. But it just fell flat. More than that, once or twice I literally turned away from the book. It's shot through with a panicked fear of chaos and neurotic rage for order, with the kind of joy in destruction that I'm sure appeals to Silicon Valley's masters of the universe. I'm sure someone more versed than me in

Since I have been recommending this book, it seemed like a good idea to read it.Some time ago my husband read a part of it to me, and it made a deep impression. I've been going around telling people it represents my theology, even though I hadn't read it. And now that I have read it I still say the same. Only it doesn't look like I thought. In my mind's eye it was written in paragraphs in a book of prose. Actually it's more like poetry, and it's a list of numbered rules and regulations

I need to read this book again ! It's one of these books that get clearer and deeper when you re-read them! I liked several parts, but hated the part when he mentioned Our Ancestors , our duty towards them and their impact in our lives :3 .My favourite quotes were : إنا لانحارب شهواتنا المظلمة بفضيلة رزينة و شاحبة و محايدة تسمو عليها و إنما بشهوات أخرى أقوى منها و أشد بأسا *And : فالفضيلة الكبرى ليست في أن تكون حرا و إنما في أن تناضل من أجل الحرية * And I liked the love story that his wife

This book is phenomenal and it's hard to write a review that can give it enough credit. I have been looking for a book of this sort since I have read The Death of Ivan Ilyich. I know both are VERY different from one another in so many levels, but at their core they share the same existential angst.Nikos' existential questions about the matters of life, death and the purpose of humans' existence through out the book, spoke to me on a personal level. The written language is dazzling, and the


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