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Original Title: Still Life with Woodpecker
ISBN: 184243022X (ISBN13: 9781842430224)
Edition Language: English
Setting: Hawaii(United States) Seattle, Washington(United States)
Books Free Download Still Life with Woodpecker  Online
Still Life with Woodpecker Paperback | Pages: 288 pages
Rating: 4.05 | 69077 Users | 2728 Reviews

Present Out Of Books Still Life with Woodpecker

Title:Still Life with Woodpecker
Author:Tom Robbins
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 288 pages
Published:April 9th 2001 by No Exit Press (first published October 1980)
Categories:Fiction. Humor. Literature. Novels. Contemporary. Magical Realism. Classics

Description Concering Books Still Life with Woodpecker

Still Life with Woodpecker is a sort of a love story that takes place inside a pack of Camel cigarettes. It reveals the purpose of the moon, explains the difference between criminals and outlaws, examines the conflict between social activism and romantic individualism, and paints a portrait of contemporary society that includes powerful Arabs, exiled royalty, and pregnant cheerleaders. It also deals with the problem of redheads.

Rating Out Of Books Still Life with Woodpecker
Ratings: 4.05 From 69077 Users | 2728 Reviews

Column Out Of Books Still Life with Woodpecker
I remember over the years, I would come across Still Life with Woodpecker every now and then in bookshops and book bazaars. Each time, I would take it in my hands, read the backcover and put it back on the shelve. I don't know why, although it seemed interesting to me, something always stopped me from buying it. Of course I was aware of all the praise about it but that is never enough for me to want to read a book.I think I get why it became such a big success all over the world. Its romantic

A relative who rarely reads fiction recommended this author, so I knew he had to be good. I'll definitely read him again. Robbins manages to skewer just about every facet of American society all while developing a colorful cast of characters who manage to become compelling in spite of being beyond cartoonish.It's one of those books that makes you wonder what the author was smoking, so you have to be in the mood for the absurd when you read it. If you're never in that mood, beware, because, as

This is a love story. A beautiful kaleidoscope of a love story that brings two unlikely characters together: a modern-day princess and an outlaw (or terrorist, depending on whom you ask), and rotates in colorful pieces of activism, pyramids, cigarette packaging, red-headedness, and of course, the catalyst for a love story--sex. These elements weave together to reveal the answer to the questions "how do you make love stay?"Robbins' lyrical prose yearns to be read aloud. The beauty of his phrasing

When my brother gave me this book for Christmas, he told me to "drink in the writing." Or something to that effect. Whatever it was, he heaped praise on Robbins' use of language. Several people in my family had read this, or some other Tom Robbins book, and they all enthusiastically agreed that reading him was a pleasure unto itself, above and beyond the enjoyment one gets from reading the actual story. I was promised an actual Reading Experience, and that promise was fulfilled in spades.Reading

I've been trying to think of how to review this book, but the only things that come to mind are metaphors for other senses... it's hue saturation is high, and it's gritty, bluesey and edgy the way Led Zeppelin is Metal. The plot tends towards the absurd, which allows the story to perform some philosophical acrobatics without giving into the pedantic or pretentious. Robbins tends to express these sorts of things in dichotomy: outlaws as opposed to criminals, activism as opposed to idealism, ideas

gotta say... this is my favorite book of all time, expertly written... more like prose than an actual novel. who can resist a book whose first sentence is "if this typewriter can't do it, then fuck it, it can't be done!"

My favorite book of all time. I used a quote from this book in my wedding vows. It is funny, silly, and romantic.


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