Download O Festim dos Corvos (As Crónicas de Gelo e Fogo / Das Lied von Eis und Feuer #7) Free Audio Books

Download O Festim dos Corvos (As Crónicas de Gelo e Fogo / Das Lied von Eis und Feuer #7) Free Audio Books
O Festim dos Corvos (As Crónicas de Gelo e Fogo / Das Lied von Eis und Feuer #7) Paperback | Pages: 423 pages
Rating: 4.11 | 5745 Users | 292 Reviews

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Original Title: A Feast for Crows
ISBN: 9896370974 (ISBN13: 9789896370978)
Edition Language: Portuguese
Series: As Crónicas de Gelo e Fogo / Das Lied von Eis und Feuer #7, Le cronache del ghiaccio e del fuoco #8

Ilustration In Pursuance Of Books O Festim dos Corvos (As Crónicas de Gelo e Fogo / Das Lied von Eis und Feuer #7)

Continuando a saga mais ambiciosa e imaginativa desde O Senhor dos Anéis, As Crónicas de Gelo e Fogo prosseguem após o violento triunfo dos traidores. Enquanto os senhores do Norte lutam incessantemente uns contra os outros e os Homens de Ferro estão prestes a emergir como uma força implacável, a rainha regente Cersei tenta manter intacta a força dos leões em Porto Real. Os jovens lobos, sedentos por vingança, estão dispersos pela terra, cada um envolvido no perigoso jogo dos tronos. Arya abandonou Westeros rumo a Bravos, Bran desapareceu na vastidão enigmática para além da Muralha, Sansa está nas mãos do ambicioso e maquiavélico Mindinho, Jon Snow foi proclamado comandante da Muralha mas tem que enfrentar a vontade férrea do rei Stannis e, no meio de toda a intriga, começam a surgir histórias do outro lado do mar sobre dragões vivos e fogo...

Identify Of Books O Festim dos Corvos (As Crónicas de Gelo e Fogo / Das Lied von Eis und Feuer #7)

Title:O Festim dos Corvos (As Crónicas de Gelo e Fogo / Das Lied von Eis und Feuer #7)
Author:George R.R. Martin
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 423 pages
Published:2009 by Saída de Emergência (first published 2005)
Categories:Fantasy. Fiction

Rating Of Books O Festim dos Corvos (As Crónicas de Gelo e Fogo / Das Lied von Eis und Feuer #7)
Ratings: 4.11 From 5745 Users | 292 Reviews

Discuss Of Books O Festim dos Corvos (As Crónicas de Gelo e Fogo / Das Lied von Eis und Feuer #7)
It's not quite as exciting as the first three books in the series but it's still a very good book.

4 starsMore George R.R. Martin awesomeness. I can't say this often enough: I love A Song of Ice and Fire. And its epicness continues. I hope it never ends.

Is it bad that I really liked the book in which most of the so called 'main characters' of the Song of Ice and Fire are missing? I think the main reason I enjoyed it so much was George Martin's exploration of female approaches to power. We have Cersei, who thinks herself competent, but is actively destroying everything her father fought for. We have Asha Greyjoy, struggling against her uncles for her father's throne. (A plotline abridged by the tv series so far)z We have princess Arianne Martell

I get the hate this part of the A Song of Ice and Fire series received. The Brienne chapters were just SO boring, whenever I finished a chapter I was afraid to read the name of the next PoV-character, fearing it could be Brienne. She just spent every chapter walking around and doing nothing that moved the plot forward. What was told in 1 chapters in the first part of A Feast for Crows could've been told in only one. Also I don't see why it is so important to have three PoVs on the Iron Islands.

Still going strong. Greatly enjoy the Dorne plot. The smaller dimensions of this book are more than welcome.

The worst part so far, nothing really happens here :/

Unfortunately contains a lot of filler and is thus far the weakest book for me.


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