Letter to His Father 

I have felt very uncomfortable reading this letter. And the thought that I--together with a very large number of people-- have read something which was not intended for us, as well as the knowledge that the original addressee never read it, contributed further to my uneasiness.
Franz Kafka wrote this letter to his father Hermann in 1919, when he was about thirty-six years old. His father's opposition to his planned marriage to Julie Wohryzeck (this was Franz’s second attempt at marriage; previously he had approached Felice Bauer) may have prompted Kafka to write such an epistle. The letter is about one hundred pages long, was partly typed and partly handwritten. His mother intercepted the letter and never gave it to her husband. It was first published in 1952.
Kafka had a textual mind and a tormented personality. And his highly analytical thinking communicated better through letters. He wrote many. I read years ago his Letters to Milena: Expanded and Revised, in a New Translation which left in me a strong impression. Those letters were not intended for me either. But the fact that Milena Jesenska had read them and replied to them confers to this correspondence a quality of communion that is entirely missing from the paternal letter. Kafka actually gave it to Milena later, in 1920, after the mother had returned it.

Hermann Kafka
Rather than a communion there is an open accusation to the father; the bitter repproach is mixed with an afflicted confession. It enacts the confrontation of two opposite personalities. The father, Hermann, originally from the petite bourgeoisie, had risen up in society thanks to his determination and strength of character. He is portrayed as tyrannical, proud, competitive, unsophisticated and rough. In contrast Kafka characterizes himself as a profoundly insecure, weak, timorous and also capable of malice and rancour.
In this distressing read I could not help thinking that this representation was not entirely convincing, or that I just could not empathize with it. I found a similar degree of self-centeredness in Franz, as deployed in his very legalistic text (he had studied law after all), as supposedly there had been in Hermann. For example, Franz censures his father for loading too much of his attention on him after his two brothers had died young. What about the sorrow for the loss that the father must have felt? I made a list of similar instances. I did feel for him, however, witnessing how much he agonized over his own self and particularly when he referred to his increasing physical weakness and to the first signs of blood in his lungs. TB carried him not long afterwards, in 1924, in his early forties.
This letter however, precisely for its confessional aspect and for the sophisticated language, is a necessary read for anyone interested in Kafka’s works. Themes of irrational authority, alienation of the individual, obsessive fears, disorienting perceptions, inability to control one’s life, debilitating restrictions, etc, have their seeds in this letter. All these “Kafkaesque” elements were certainly in Franz’s mind. We do not know if their source was Hermann. And as Franz recognized little of the Kafka traits in himself, the term “Kafkaesque” may not be the most appropriate to refer to his idiosyncrasies.
حیف شد. فایل صوتیش مال ایران صداست. احتمال سانسور میرهشما که خوندی فکر میکنی چیز ازش بخوان حذف کنن
لا يعلم معظم الآباء ما يحملهُ لهم أبناءهم من عواطف جياشة وتقديس لا حدود له يبدو الأب في نظر بعض الأبناء وكأنه نبي أو إله أو كائن أعلى قدوة كائن رهيب ومخيف أحياناً ..أنا أسأل مثل كافكا كيف يمكن لرجل وهو بكامل قواه العقلية أن يتحمل مثل هذه المسؤولية المخيفة أن يزرح تحت هذا الضغط الهائل أن ينظر له الطفل ذلك الكائن بسيط الشفاف وقد جاء لتوه ليتعرف على العالم على أنه الرجل الوحيد القادر على كل الأشياء أن يكون بهذه القسوة وهذا التزمت وكمصدر للرعب في داخل المنزل ..كيف للرجل ان يتحمل مسؤولية الأبوة

Η γνωριμία μου με τον Κάφκα ξεκινά με αυτό εδώ το κείμενο. Χωρίς ντροπή(καλά, ίσως με λίγη..) , θα πω ότι μέχρι τώρα, πέρα από κάποια γνωστά αποφθέγματα του, δεν έχω διαβάσει κάτι δικό του. Όταν είδα την επανέκδοση, τον τίτλο και το οπισθόφυλλο του "γράμματος στον πατέρα", ήξερα ότι θέλω οπωσδήποτε να το διαβάσω και να ξεκινήσω με αυτό σαν εισαγωγή στον κόσμο του Κάφκα. Νομιζω πως ήταν μια καλή επιλογή γιατί διαβάζοντας αυτή την επιστολή που ποτε δεν έφτασε στα χέρια του παραλήπτη της, είναι σα
Yıllardır bir kenarda beklettiğim bir kitaptı. Neden bilmiyorum, bu mektubu okuduktan sonra Franz Kafka'ya sevgimin daha da artacağını, babasını cehennemin daha da dibine göndereceğimiı düşünmüştüm. Oysa tersi oldu. Sevmediğimiz bir kişiyi tanımakla onu nasıl anlıyor ve hoş görmeye başlıyorsak, Hermann Kafka'ya da anlayış göstermeye, hatta nadir de olsa Franz Kafka'nınyersiz tepki gösterdiğini düşünmeye başlıyoruz. Elbette büyük resime bakınca baskın, baskıcı ve anlayışsız bir baba Hermann
A carta que o seu pai não leu, por devolução da mãe apaziguadora, lemos nós agora, por sorte. Em cada frase, Franz derrama toda a angústia, tristeza e natureza do seu pobre ser, que considera serem frutos de uma figura paternal assustadora e distante."Os recursos oratórios a que recorrias para a minha educação, extremamente eficazes e produzindo sempre efeito sobre mim, eram: o insulto, a ameaça, a ironia, o riso maligno e - coisa curiosa - a lamentação sobre ti próprio." (p. 26)"O que eu
در کتابهایم تنها کاری که میکردم اعتراض علیه چیزهایی بود که نمیتوانستم روی در روی تو از آنها شکایت کنم.این فرانتس کافکای افسرده و غمگینی است که مسخ را نوشته و گروه محکومین و قصر و... را. کافکایی با جهانی دوچندان تاریکتر از خودش. این کتاب شاید به سادگی بگوید که چطور تجربهی زیستهی یک نویسنده میتواند کلمات را در هم بپیچد. و چطور با وجود آنکه میدانی پدرت در قدرتنمایی و کردار و رفتار به اشتباه میرود باز هم نمیتوانی جلوی تاثیرپذیری از آن سلطهای که بر فرزندش دارد را بگیری. آسیبها اجتنابناپذیرند و تا
Franz Kafka
Paperback | Pages: 127 pages Rating: 3.91 | 14380 Users | 1013 Reviews

Particularize Books Concering Letter to His Father
Original Title: | Brief an den Vater |
ISBN: | 0805204261 (ISBN13: 9780805204261) |
Edition Language: | Multiple languages |
Chronicle Conducive To Books Letter to His Father

I have felt very uncomfortable reading this letter. And the thought that I--together with a very large number of people-- have read something which was not intended for us, as well as the knowledge that the original addressee never read it, contributed further to my uneasiness.
Franz Kafka wrote this letter to his father Hermann in 1919, when he was about thirty-six years old. His father's opposition to his planned marriage to Julie Wohryzeck (this was Franz’s second attempt at marriage; previously he had approached Felice Bauer) may have prompted Kafka to write such an epistle. The letter is about one hundred pages long, was partly typed and partly handwritten. His mother intercepted the letter and never gave it to her husband. It was first published in 1952.
Kafka had a textual mind and a tormented personality. And his highly analytical thinking communicated better through letters. He wrote many. I read years ago his Letters to Milena: Expanded and Revised, in a New Translation which left in me a strong impression. Those letters were not intended for me either. But the fact that Milena Jesenska had read them and replied to them confers to this correspondence a quality of communion that is entirely missing from the paternal letter. Kafka actually gave it to Milena later, in 1920, after the mother had returned it.

Hermann Kafka
Rather than a communion there is an open accusation to the father; the bitter repproach is mixed with an afflicted confession. It enacts the confrontation of two opposite personalities. The father, Hermann, originally from the petite bourgeoisie, had risen up in society thanks to his determination and strength of character. He is portrayed as tyrannical, proud, competitive, unsophisticated and rough. In contrast Kafka characterizes himself as a profoundly insecure, weak, timorous and also capable of malice and rancour.
In this distressing read I could not help thinking that this representation was not entirely convincing, or that I just could not empathize with it. I found a similar degree of self-centeredness in Franz, as deployed in his very legalistic text (he had studied law after all), as supposedly there had been in Hermann. For example, Franz censures his father for loading too much of his attention on him after his two brothers had died young. What about the sorrow for the loss that the father must have felt? I made a list of similar instances. I did feel for him, however, witnessing how much he agonized over his own self and particularly when he referred to his increasing physical weakness and to the first signs of blood in his lungs. TB carried him not long afterwards, in 1924, in his early forties.
This letter however, precisely for its confessional aspect and for the sophisticated language, is a necessary read for anyone interested in Kafka’s works. Themes of irrational authority, alienation of the individual, obsessive fears, disorienting perceptions, inability to control one’s life, debilitating restrictions, etc, have their seeds in this letter. All these “Kafkaesque” elements were certainly in Franz’s mind. We do not know if their source was Hermann. And as Franz recognized little of the Kafka traits in himself, the term “Kafkaesque” may not be the most appropriate to refer to his idiosyncrasies.
Declare Regarding Books Letter to His Father
Title | : | Letter to His Father |
Author | : | Franz Kafka |
Book Format | : | Paperback |
Book Edition | : | Bilingual Edition |
Pages | : | Pages: 127 pages |
Published | : | January 1st 1987 by Schocken (first published 1952) |
Categories | : | Classics. Nonfiction. Biography. European Literature. German Literature |
Rating Regarding Books Letter to His Father
Ratings: 3.91 From 14380 Users | 1013 ReviewsWeigh Up Regarding Books Letter to His Father
حیف شد. فایل صوتیش مال ایران صداست. احتمال سانسور میرهشما که خوندی فکر میکنی چیز ازش بخوان حذف کنن
لا يعلم معظم الآباء ما يحملهُ لهم أبناءهم من عواطف جياشة وتقديس لا حدود له يبدو الأب في نظر بعض الأبناء وكأنه نبي أو إله أو كائن أعلى قدوة كائن رهيب ومخيف أحياناً ..أنا أسأل مثل كافكا كيف يمكن لرجل وهو بكامل قواه العقلية أن يتحمل مثل هذه المسؤولية المخيفة أن يزرح تحت هذا الضغط الهائل أن ينظر له الطفل ذلك الكائن بسيط الشفاف وقد جاء لتوه ليتعرف على العالم على أنه الرجل الوحيد القادر على كل الأشياء أن يكون بهذه القسوة وهذا التزمت وكمصدر للرعب في داخل المنزل ..كيف للرجل ان يتحمل مسؤولية الأبوة

Η γνωριμία μου με τον Κάφκα ξεκινά με αυτό εδώ το κείμενο. Χωρίς ντροπή(καλά, ίσως με λίγη..) , θα πω ότι μέχρι τώρα, πέρα από κάποια γνωστά αποφθέγματα του, δεν έχω διαβάσει κάτι δικό του. Όταν είδα την επανέκδοση, τον τίτλο και το οπισθόφυλλο του "γράμματος στον πατέρα", ήξερα ότι θέλω οπωσδήποτε να το διαβάσω και να ξεκινήσω με αυτό σαν εισαγωγή στον κόσμο του Κάφκα. Νομιζω πως ήταν μια καλή επιλογή γιατί διαβάζοντας αυτή την επιστολή που ποτε δεν έφτασε στα χέρια του παραλήπτη της, είναι σα
Yıllardır bir kenarda beklettiğim bir kitaptı. Neden bilmiyorum, bu mektubu okuduktan sonra Franz Kafka'ya sevgimin daha da artacağını, babasını cehennemin daha da dibine göndereceğimiı düşünmüştüm. Oysa tersi oldu. Sevmediğimiz bir kişiyi tanımakla onu nasıl anlıyor ve hoş görmeye başlıyorsak, Hermann Kafka'ya da anlayış göstermeye, hatta nadir de olsa Franz Kafka'nınyersiz tepki gösterdiğini düşünmeye başlıyoruz. Elbette büyük resime bakınca baskın, baskıcı ve anlayışsız bir baba Hermann
A carta que o seu pai não leu, por devolução da mãe apaziguadora, lemos nós agora, por sorte. Em cada frase, Franz derrama toda a angústia, tristeza e natureza do seu pobre ser, que considera serem frutos de uma figura paternal assustadora e distante."Os recursos oratórios a que recorrias para a minha educação, extremamente eficazes e produzindo sempre efeito sobre mim, eram: o insulto, a ameaça, a ironia, o riso maligno e - coisa curiosa - a lamentação sobre ti próprio." (p. 26)"O que eu
در کتابهایم تنها کاری که میکردم اعتراض علیه چیزهایی بود که نمیتوانستم روی در روی تو از آنها شکایت کنم.این فرانتس کافکای افسرده و غمگینی است که مسخ را نوشته و گروه محکومین و قصر و... را. کافکایی با جهانی دوچندان تاریکتر از خودش. این کتاب شاید به سادگی بگوید که چطور تجربهی زیستهی یک نویسنده میتواند کلمات را در هم بپیچد. و چطور با وجود آنکه میدانی پدرت در قدرتنمایی و کردار و رفتار به اشتباه میرود باز هم نمیتوانی جلوی تاثیرپذیری از آن سلطهای که بر فرزندش دارد را بگیری. آسیبها اجتنابناپذیرند و تا
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