List Books Toward أيها الولد
Original Title: | أيها الولد |
Edition Language: | Arabic URL |
أبو حامد الغزالي
Paperback | Pages: 160 pages Rating: 4.32 | 2340 Users | 444 Reviews
Description Concering Books أيها الولد
إن في النصيحة كفاية لأهل العلم، وتعد هذه الرسالة الصغيرة من أهم النصائح التي أجاب بها الإمام الغزالي على أحد طلابه النابهين الذين اشتغلوا بالتحصيل وقراءة العلم وطلب منه أن يعلمه شيئاً ينفعه في غده ويؤانسه في قبره، وأن يخبره بما لا ينفعه حتى يدعه فكتب الإمام الغزالي تلك الورقات التي عرفه فيها عن النصيحة وأهميتها وكيف تكون وما هي الأعمال الصالحة والطالحة وأمثلة ذلك وما هو العمل المقرب لله تعالى، وأهمية العمل للآخرة، وكيف تكون نية التعلم والعلم النافع وأن العلم لا بد وأن يكون مقرونًا بالعمل وأن خلاصة العلم في الطاعة والعبادة، وأن يكون القول كالفعل وغيرها من النصائح المفيدة النافعة .Describe Epithetical Books أيها الولد
Title | : | أيها الولد |
Author | : | أبو حامد الغزالي |
Book Format | : | Paperback |
Book Edition | : | الطبعة الرابعة |
Pages | : | Pages: 160 pages |
Published | : | 2010 by دار البشائر الاسلامية (first published 1908) |
Categories | : | Religion. Islam. Literature |
Rating Epithetical Books أيها الولد
Ratings: 4.32 From 2340 Users | 444 ReviewsAppraise Epithetical Books أيها الولد
I found this book benefical and would advise it be read over a course of 24 daysOne peiece of advice per dayQuick and precise, al-Ghazali provides his "beloved son" or student with cup fulls of wisdom. With al-Ghazali's sources coming from the Qur'an, the Sunnah and from other learned men, al-Ghazali illuminates critical advice for any one who seeks "The Path". Amassing of knowledge is not the goal, as al-Ghazali elucidates, but rather preparing one's self and soul for the Final End. Meaningful and useful to all.
Bespoke advice from a renewer of the Islamic religion and a spiritual master that became a personal guide for millions of Muslims, believers, humans around the world. Muslim or not, religious or not, benefit can be derived from every word of this letter to his disciple. It's an amazing entry into the thought of Al-Ghazali, now fully formed after years and years of experiences, both outer and inner.I would especially suggest that you read the translator's introduction, as it puts a lot of the
Even now after more than 800 years, this short yet incredibly relevant classic speaks to the modern individual with clarifying thought. It distills the need for practicality behind the search for knowledge, all while, placing it behind the specter of the impermanence of life. A thought provoking work, and one to refer to often.
A letter from al-Ghazali to his student asking for his advice continue to illuminate us years on. A must read for any self proclaimed knowledge seekers. Advices from al Ghazali will reach your deepest heart. There are several things al Ghazali touched on especially on knowledge without practice and prayer to God. May Allah bless his soul.
My first ever reading of Al-Ghazali. The discourse is beautiful. A lesson that stood out and is relatively easy for me to incorporate in my life is: "O disciple, knowledge without action is madness and action without knowledge is void." The rest is a framework for a very arduous journey and requires a lot of discipline, the heart in the right place and a strong unwavering belief in God. I am not ready for it yet. I also feel that I will be coming back to it as I mature and I definitely know that
My first ever reading of Al-Ghazali. The discourse is beautiful. A lesson that stood out and is relatively easy for me to incorporate in my life is: "O disciple, knowledge without action is madness and action without knowledge is void." The rest is a framework for a very arduous journey and requires a lot of discipline, the heart in the right place and a strong unwavering belief in God. I am not ready for it yet. I also feel that I will be coming back to it as I mature and I definitely know that
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